Jimmie, an 80-year-old gentleman, retired 


to Florida after his wife of 58 years had

away. He was quite alone in the world and 

longed  for companionship again.

  One day, as he was walking through a public 

park, he
 spied what he considered to be a very 

 silver-haired lady sitting alone on a park 

 Getting his nerve up, he approached the 

lady and asked graciously, "Pardon me, ma'am,

but may I sit here with you?"

  The silver-haired Marcie looked up to see a 

distinguished-looking, white-haired gentleman 

and replied, "Why certainly," and moved over

gently to give him
 room to sit down.

  For the next two hours, the two sat and talked 

about everything. They discovered that they came

from the same part of the country, liked the same
big band music, voted for the same presidential

candidates, had had long, happy marriages, had 

lost their
 spouses during the previous year, and 

in general agreed about almost everything.

  Finally, the old gentleman cleared his throat 

and asked
 sheepishly, "Ma'am, may I ask you two 


  With great interest and anticipation, Marcie 

replied, "Why certainly!"

  The old gentleman removed a  handkerchief  

from his coat pocket and spread it out on the ground

before her. He very
 gingerly got down on one knee 

and looked her softly in the eyes. "Marcie, I know

we've only known each other for a couple of hours,

but we have so much in common. I feel I've known

you all my life. Will you marry me and be my wife?"

  Marcie grabbed at Jimmie's hands and said, 

"Why, yes, I will marry you! You have made me so

very happy!" She reached over and kissed him gently

on the cheek. Then Marcie said, "You said you had

two questions to ask me. What is the second one?"

  Jimmie scratched his neck and said, "Will you 

help me get up?"

Key  words

pass  away 過世

long  for 渴望

companionship (n.)伴侶關係

spy (v.)發現

silver-haired (adj.)銀髮的

Getting   his   nerve   up 他提起勇氣

distinguished-looking 相貌堂堂

room (n.)空間、空位

candidate (n.)候選人

spouse (n.)配偶

throat (n.)喉嚨

sheepishly (adv.)難為情地;靦腆地

anticipation (n.)期盼

handkerchief (n.)手帕 

gingerly (adv.)非常小心地、極為謹慎地

scratch (v.)抓



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