Two vampire bats are hanging upside down 

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in a cave. One of the 
bats feels rather hungry. 

"Let's go and find some blood", he suggests.

  "I don't think you can get any blood this time 

of the day", says the other bat. "Well, I want some 

blood and I want it now!", says the first bat and 

prepares to take off. "Are you coming or what?" 

  "Don't be stupid, you'll just waste your time", 

says the second bat. So the first bat flies anyway. 

After a few minutes he is back with blood 

all over his face. 

  "Where did you manage to find blood this time 

of the day?", asks the second bat. "Well, do you 

see that tree out there?", says the first bat and 

points at a tree outside the cave, "Do you see 

that tree?" 

  "Yes", says the second bat, "of course I see it".

  "Well, I didn't", replies the first.


Key  word

hanging upside down 倒掛

vampire  bat n.)吸血蝙蝠

smear (v.)塗、抹 






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