An elderly couple suffering from deteriorating
memory signed up for a power memory class to improve
their memories. The power memory method taught them
to remember things by associating these with familiar
objects. After completing the 5-day course, the old man
was discussing the merits of the course with a neighbor
in his backyard.
The old man claimed, "Signing up for that power memory
class was one of the best things I've ever done."
The neighbor asked, "So who was your instructor?"
"Well, let me see," said the old man. "What do
you, ahhh, call that flower that smells nice but,
ummm, has those thorns..."
"A rose?" volunteered the neighbor.
"Yeah, right!" nodded the old man who then turned
towards his house and yelled, "Hey, Rose, what was
the name of the instructor in our power memory class?"
Key words:
suffering from 受....之苦
deteriorate (v.)退化
sign up 報名
improve (v.)加強
to remember things by associating these with
familiar objects. 以聯想熟悉物品的方式
merit (n.)優點
唸〈成寒英語教材〉,托福、多益 TOEIC 考高分成績榜 & 他們的學習歷程: