1. How old was the baby when he died?
2. Was his baby a boy or a girl?
3. What organs did the baby donate?
1. He was six months old when he died.
2. His baby was a boy.
3. He donated his heart, liver, and kidneys.
謝謝老師提供這些練習. - dana 於 August 23, 2013 07:16 AM 回應
1. How old was the baby when he died?
Q: The baby died when he was 6 months old.
2. Was his baby a boy or a girl?
Q: The baby was a boy.
3. What organs did the baby donate?
Q: His heart went to a 18 months old baby girl; his liver went
to a baby boy, and his kidneys went to two other babies.
Nancy - Nancy 於 August 23, 2013 09:37 AM 回應 |
1. The baby, Sean Milan Debose was only six months old when he died.
2. His baby was a boy.
3. Baby Sean donates four organs. His heart was given to one baby
girl who was eighteen months old, his liver to a baby boy, and two
kidneys to two other babies.
This video is so touching. I smiled with the brave father and said
to myself: Don't quit. Never give up. Follow my dream! - Sophia 於 August 23, 2013 09:42 PM 回應
1. How old was the baby when he died?
A:The baby died at the age of six months.
2. Was his baby a boy or a girl?
A:It's a babyboy.
3. What organs did the baby donate?
A:He donated heart, liver and two kindneys.One baby saves four
babies. - 小英 於 August 25, 2013 07:56 AM 回應