One Halloween a trick-or-treater came to
my door dressed as "Batman" in leather gloves
and leotard. Soon after I gave him some goodies,
he returned for more.
"Aren't you the same 'Rocky' who left my
doorstep several minutes ago?" I asked.
"Yes," he replied, "but now I'm the sequel.
I'll be back two more times tonight too."
Key words:
trick-or-treat 不給糖就惡作劇
(萬聖節 Halloween 之夜,小孩扮成各種妖魔鬼怪模樣,
前去敲附近人家的門,大喊:”Trick or treat”,
這裡指扮成 trick-or-treat 的人。
dress (v.)裝扮成
"Batman" (n.)電影《蝙蝠俠》
"Rocky" (n.)電影《洛基》
leather gloves (n.)皮手套
leotard (n.)一件式連身服(這個字的來源,請參閱《小錯誤,大發明》一書)
goody (n.)好吃的東西
doorstep (n.)門階
sequel (n.)續集
唸〈成寒英語教材〉,托福、多益 TOEIC 考高分成績榜 & 他們的學習歷程: