Three older ladies were discussing the travails
One said, "Sometimes I catch myself with a jar
of mayonnaise in my hand, in front of the refrigerator,
and I can't remember whether I was taking it out or
putting it away."
The second lady said, "Yes, sometimes I find myself
on the landing of the stairs, and I can't remember
whether I was on my way up, or on my way down."
The third lady chimed in, "Well, I'm glad I don't
have those problems. Knock on wood." With that,
she rapped her knuckles on the table, then said,
"That must be the door. I'll get it."
Key words:
travail (n.)苦痛
mayonnaise (n.)美乃滋
chime in 插嘴
putting it away 收起來
Knock on wood 敲敲木頭;如果說了一些〔鐵齒〕的話,
rap (v.)敲擊
knuckle (n.)指關節
唸〈成寒英語教材〉,托福、多益 TOEIC 考高分成績榜 & 他們的學習歷程: